Dynamic Bokeh Styles by Mikko Vartio

Dynamic Bokeh Styles by Mikko Vartio

Dynamic Bokeh Styles for Adobe Fireworks by Mikko Vartio A nice little collection of 10 prefab ‘bokeh’ styles to use in website backgrounds or header graphics, created by Mikko Vartio. Stylish and dynamic! For details and download visit Mikkos’ blog...

Auto Vector Masks

Auto Vector Mask Bitmap Objects Ensure an object is active in the Layers panel, in my case a Bitmap, otherwise you will be greeted with an ‘Incorrect selection for this operation’ message. Then go to the Commands > Creative > Auto Vector Mask menu...

My Top Five Fireworks CS5 Features/Enhancements

Aside from the major performance, stability, install and memory enhancements here is my little list of most liked Adobe Fireworks CS5 items (new or updated). FXG 2.0 Specification Update: It may be an update, but imagine for a moment every Adobe application offerring...