Paragraph Type: Utilizing either the Anti-Alias to None or the -text hint requires a Paragraph Type Area and not a regular Point Type Layer.

Layer Naming convention:Site Grinder outputs css id selectors based on the caption of the Layer (or Layer Set), so it’s a good habit to condense Layer captions and keep them relevant to the element on the page layout (as captured below).MediaLab - Sitegrinder, automate site creation

Font Selection: Utilizing either the Anti-Alias to None or the -text hint on Paragraph type Layer will require a cross platform (end user) font face selection. (Examples: Arial, Times New Roman etc)

Multi Paragraph Styled Web Text: To create multi-paragraph styled web text there is one tweak you have to perform in order for it to be outputted properly.

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph contents to activate the blinking insertion cursor. (encircled in red)
  2. Then set the Paragraph Palette ‘Add Space After Paragraph‘ property – I used 12 pt.
  3. Then hit the Enter/Return key to add the 12 pt carriage return between paragraphs.MediaLab - Sitegrinder, automate site creation

» Click here for Multi-Paragraph Sample.