Bullet List within Text Objects

Reduce multiple Type Layer clutter using the available tools (Special Characters) and features (Paragraph Indent) within a single text object block. Select the Type Tool and set your Property Inspector (Font Face, Size, Color) options for the active Type Tool....

Fireworks Productivity Commands

Three New Fireworks Productivity Commands from John Dunning At last nights Fire on  the Bay Fireworks User Group meeting, John Dunning (product manager for Yahoo! Messenger) demoed some commands he has written for Adobe Fireworks that simplify common tasks, as well...

Auto Shapes with Styles

Here lies the delimma. You create a graphic element using an Auto Shape (Rounded Rectangle, for example) and discover that attempting to apply a Style (Window > Style) just does not work. This is as designed given the fact that the core nature of an Auto Shape is...

Resource round-up for March

Adobe Fireworks resource round-up for the month of March Here are some recent Adobe Fireworks related activity I managed to spot over that past little while. Allan Musselman posted a list of Top 20 YouTube Fireworks tutorial videos Sarthak Singhal, posted a neat...

Five Recent Fireworks Production Commands

Boost production/workflow with these commands from some of Fireworks’ esteemed extension authors. Smart Resize v0.3.0 – Details/Download This recent command is a godsend. Created by John Dunning, allows you to “resize a group without distorting its...