An effective way to blend items into textured surfaces.

Below is the starting textured image.

Blend IF into Textures

Simply duplicate the original texture and alter its Blending Mode to Color Burn and reduce its Opacity to a moderate level. I used 68%.

Blend IF into Textures

Add a new Type Layer, above the textured layers as I have captured below.
(Type preferences your choice: I used Arial Black, color white)

Blend IF into Textures

Next, in the Layers Palette, Right Click on the Type Layer and from the context menu list choose Blending Options, as I have captured below.

Blend IF into Textures

Within the Blending Options/Layer Styles main panel, go to the lower left to the Blend If section.
Click and drag to adjust the ‘Underlying Layer’ sliders as I have encircled below.

Blend IF into Textures

Hold the Alt key and click on each of the Underlying Sliders to split them apart.
Adjust the half’s to apply gradual tonal values to the blending, as captured below.

Blend IF into Textures

Final Blend.

Blend IF into Textures